Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

I first started making my own deodorant about 4 or 5 years ago when I found a simple recipe online. I didn't believe it would work because it seemed so ridiculous to me to do such a thing. But I figured I couldn't knock it until I tried it and I gave it a shot!

Making my own deodorant was probably the first natural living change I made. After some brief research on why you might want to avoid conventional deodorants, I discovered that they are actually quite dangerous. If you think about where you are putting that deodorant, filled with aluminum and plenty of nasty chemicals, it is a huge risk for breast cancer and other types of cancer. On top of that, sweat is actually good for your body. Sweat itself isn't what we are trying to avoid, but the smell caused by it. It's definitely a topic worth researching.

Of course, one of my favourite features of this recipe is that it costs pennies per year. I only make this recipe twice a year at the most, and it probably costs me 25-50 cents (maximum) per batch. Which is hugely motivating for a student!

So, without further ado, here is the recipe I use now after fiddling with it for a couple years.


1 empty deodorant container (I bought one at the dollar store and cleaned it out with hot soapy water - you can also use a small mason jar or other container)

2 TBSP Baking Soda
2 TBSP Arrowroot Flour (a more natural substitute for cornstarch)
1 TBSP Coconut Oil* 
1 tsp Shea Butter*
1 tsp Cocoa Butter*
1 TBSP Beeswax (grated or in pellet form)

*You need 5 tsp of oil total, so if coconut oil is all you have, go ahead and use that


1. Add all the ingredients to a small pan. I used a mini cast iron skillet I bought in Vancouver, but any little pot will do. 

2. Melt the ingredients on the lowest heat setting (stirring regularly) until all the oils and wax have melted. 

3. Pour the mixture into your container and let it cool. I put it in the fridge for a few minutes to speed up the process.

That's it! You can use this just like you would any store bought deodorant. The only difference is that it's slightly softer so you don't want to push it up too far. Give it a shot!

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