Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tea of the Week: Chai Guarana

My friend Sarah over at Camp Girl in the Real World has been doing a "Tea of the Week" series for a long time now where she writes about a new flavour of tea she has tried and/or loves. It's so much fun to see all the different teas she has and to find new ones to try. I love tea, and I especially love trying new ones.

I was recently gifted with 15 sample packages from David's Tea, and so the natural conclusion was to join in on this awesome idea! My plan is to post each of the teas as I try them and let you know what I think. Feel free to send me some suggestions of your own or share what you though of the tea if you have tried it as well!

So the first one I tried was called Chai Guarana. It's made with cinnamon, black tea, ginger, anise, roasted mate, guarana seeds. I tried it with my friend Sam, and she picked this one mostly because we thought the ingredients sounded exciting. I originally was going to try a mint one, but decided to join in with this flavour because I was just in the mood for something with chai in it that day. It was so good! I liked that it was a chai flavour, with a subtle little twist of something else. I enjoy teas like that sometimes - familiar, but a little different, too.

Just as an update - we were at David's Tea last night, and I found out this tea is their most caffeinated tea, and has almost the same amount of caffeine as coffee! I didn't even know tea COULD have that much learn something new every day ;)