About Me

Hi! I’m Melissa…a crazy university student on this wild ride we like to call life. This blog is a place to document adventures, discoveries, and thoughts that I want to remember and share.

Over the last three years, I have split my time between exploring the big city when I am at school, and escaping to the country when I can go home. I have realized that I am a country girl at heart and I dream of sustaining my family with my own garden, curling up with a cup of tea by a wood stove, and hiking through the woods with the people I love. Such a sap, I know…haha. 

Somewhere along the way, I started thinking about what I was putting into and on my body and that lead to a passion for natural living – not just to be healthy, but to save money as well. I am HUGE fan of saving money. I love finding ways to make my life healthier, easier, and cheaper.

I guess you could say I am a minimalist in a way too. I try to keep life as simple as possible. One of my long-term goals is to simplify my life in order to give more of myself to others – whether that is physically, emotionally, spiritually, or financially – by being the best steward I can of the resources I have. I fail at that a lot, but I’m a work in progress. Aren’t we all?

I love my people – my family, my fiance (you can find his thoughts here), and my friends. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I am rather long-winded too and there aren’t many things that fill my soul like a good talk, especially over a cup of tea. I love tea, too. A LOT. Other interests of mine include sewing, crafting, reading, researching new things, cooking tasty treats, adventuring, and anything summer camp related.

But the most important thing in my life is my relationship with Jesus – it’s He who has shaped me into the person I am, and who has given me freedom from the person I was. I can truly say I would not be where I am today without God’s grace. It’s a crazy, messy, difficult, beautiful, joyful, amazing journey and I wouldn’t want to be on any other one.

So take a minute and look around, and leave a comment, too! 


  1. This is a great way to share Melissa, I enjoyed your essential oils post

  2. I really love your worldview, Melissa. Thanks for inspiring me,
