Tuesday, May 06, 2014

A few of my favourite things...

I'm going to try something new in this post and share some of my recent favourite things with you! This month (mid-April to mid-May) has been a busy time filled with new experiences, so I apologize for the radio silence over here. I am aiming to get back into my regular routine very shortly! So without further ado, here are my favourites as of late...

1. Teaching kindergarten. I might sound like a broken record, because I know I mention kindergarten a lot here, but I am so LOVING my time at my placement. It's probably one of the most overwhelming and challenging things I have done, but the most fun and rewarding at the same time. I can tell that I have really grown so much now at the end of the year as well, it's pretty crazy. 

2. Watermelon. Mini watermelons have been on sale for a good price lately, and they are soooo good. Best mid-morning snack! They give me hope that summer might eventually arrive.

3. Caffeine. There is nothing like a good Iced Capp or Starbucks trip, and this month they have been so very appreciated. The few times I have managed to bring an Iced Capp to work have been so much better haha. 

4. My water bottle. I have been trying to drink more water this week, and having my water bottle with me all the time helps a ton. I am so horrible for drinking enough water. I got this one for Christmas last year and I still love it!

5. Quiet mornings. I usually listen to music on my walk to work to keep myself moving, but lately I have been turning it off to enjoy the lack of noise. It's so still and now I have been hearing birds chirping, streams running, and even some crickets...all in the (finally) bright mornings. It's so wonderful! 

6. Being done classes for another year. 'Nuff said. Can I get an AMEN??!!

7. This song. It just makes me think of driving around in the summer with friends, rockin' out and singing too loud. I can't wait. 

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