Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Big Changes!

I'm back! I know, I know, it's been a while. While it might have seemed like I simply forgot about this little blog, I've actually just been super busy with some new and exciting changes! Today, I'm so stoked to tell you all about it!!!!

First things first, you might have noticed that the blog has gotten a major facelift! Two big things have changed... both the name and the logo.

When I originally created this blog, I needed a name. I called it Purpsicle for a few reasons. When Wes and I were courting back at camp, he would make up silly names for me using my camp name (I think he gets a great deal of enjoyment out of finding new ways to make me roll my eyes lol). One of those was "Purpsicle" (my camp name was Purple, so... purple + popsicle = purpsicle...why that was a name, who knows). Somehow this one in particular was deemed hilarious and stuck around...and was still in existence when I started a blog years later! I liked that it reminded me of camp, it made me laugh, and was unique to me.

Fast forward a year or so to now...
I was starting an etsy store and wanted to link my blog, FB page, and etsy store together. Of course, someone else had the name Purpsicle, so I put some more thought to a domain name. That's when Purpcycle came to me. What the heck is that you ask? Allow me.

It's basically a combination of two concepts. The first concept is purpose. I want to have purpose and intentionality behind everything I do, whether it's my life, my blog, or my business. The second concept is the idea of a cycle - whether it's to recycle, upcycle, or participate in the cycle of life. Not neccessarily the idea of "what goes around comes around," but the idea that what we do influences other people's lives too. I never want to forget that my actions affect others, whether it's a smile, making a purchase, or throwing away trash. So, there you have it, a new name.

Having a new name warranted a new logo since the previous logo was now spelled wrong. This is where I start getting really excited!

I got in touch with my friend Alison from The Creative Co. and she designed a new logo for me. And I am in LOVE. Seriously, I can't get enough. Check out her amazing handlettering work on instagram @creativecollective or @alicastillo...I couldn't be happier.

And then, to top it off, my friend Kristi digitized the logo for me. You can check out her work on Facebook or on her website. You can check out more of her art here. And come back soon, because you will see a bunch more of Kristi's work around here in the near future!!

All this logo and name business leads me to...


I've started an Etsy store. It's called Purpcycle too! Still very much a work in progress, but you can check it out here. I have had the domain name for a long while now, but I've finally been able to bring my ideas together and turn it into something tangible. I have many hopes and dreams to develop this further, and I am so excited to share that journey with all of you. It's been fun to have something to do outside of school that represents me a little more, plus I've always wanted to have an Etsy store. So yay! I'm going to post more on this soon, and will launch it more formally once I have updated info and listings there.

Essential Oils 
Another thing I have wanted to do for a long long time is to dive into the world of essential oils. I researched and researched for years (literally - ask my mom), before finally making the plunge and buying a kit. I could not be happier! I love them. Two things led me to finally order them. First, I was starting my Etsy store and wanted to use the best products I could and secondly, my friend got a kit too so I got to check hers out in real life. If you want to know more about the essential oils I use, you can check out my page above! I have lots of fun recipes and tutorials coming up about these, so stay tuned :)

What does this mean?
Well first of all, it means that any links are in the process of being updated because they no longer work. It also means that the posts on my Facebook page are no longer accurate, so I will be re-posting some old favourites in the next few weeks and taking down the old posts. Finally, these changes simply mean that there are very exciting things that are happening more often now. I have so many things that my fingertips are just bursting to type out, so hopefully that happens very soon!

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