Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Merry Christmas...In March!

I recently wrote a little bit about the new sheets I got with some Christmas money I had been given, which I love love love! But I think my most favourite Christmas gift I got this year finally came in the mail this week. Yep. You read that right. Gotta love shipping to Canada.

It's this beauty, right here.


My new duvet cover! Apparently I had a theme going between the sheets and the duvet cover and the actual duvet that I got for my birthday last year...my 8 year old cousin thought I was really boring and told me growing up seemed lame. Amen, sista.

But really, I guess I did have a theme happening. I decided a couple years back that I wanted to make my bed more natural and free of toxins. After all, I spend probably about half of my day there between sleeping and studying and using it as a couch (welcome to tiny university rooms, people). My game plan was pretty simple - to start with what I needed most, and what went on sale first - and gradually make the changes that I wanted. The final aspect that I changed (as far as bedding goes), is this duvet cover.

Here it is in real life...in my tiny little room with no true window. You can thank my phone for this lovely little snapshot ;) 

I'm so excited!!! I got an organic cotton pin tuck duvet from West Elm, in feather grey. But it was a close call between the grey, amethyst, and white. I settled with the grey because I think it will be most versatile in the next while for me. Plus I just like it ;) I had been looking for pretty much exactly this for the longest time, and I'm so glad I waited and researched! I was losing hope that I could get something organic, with the look I wanted, for a decent price. Now it's been freshly washed with my soap nuts and dryer balls, and my bed is beautiful :) I have the shams too, but I didn't bring them to school, so they aren't pictured here (in case you are wondering). I also decided to go with a Queen duvet, which is why it looks a little big on my twin bed. I figured that I am almost done school, and the next bed I get will likely be a Queen, either when I get married or get a grown up place or just when I replace my rapidly dying bed that I have right now, so I might as well plan ahead and save a few bucks later on. I will say, it was pretty fun to open a Christmas gift this week with 3 weeks left of classes and a case of the winter blues - it made my day so amazing! Now that I have officially opened all my Christmas presents, I think Spring needs to just hurry itself along and show up finally. Soon, I tell myself, soon.

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