Thursday, March 27, 2014


I wasn't planning to post today...I have one that I am struggling to come up with words for on the go, and it's taking some time.

But then I was listening to the new Casting Crowns album, after one of my wonderful friends told me I needed to check it out. I thought it would make a nice studying soundtrack, so I drifted over to YouTube to give it a listen. Studying? Nope. Not happening. I had to share this song, because it so touched my heart.

I am overwhelmed with the heroes in my every situation, everywhere I turn, when I am struggling and when I am celebrating, there are heroes. I am so grateful today for the incredible blessing of the people in my life...I could never articulate it fully.

These are the heroes, just ordinary people
Laying down their lives like angels in disguise

They're weak but always willing
They dare to do the hard things
And in the dark and desperate places no one else goes
You'll find the heroes
You'll find the heroes

I was listening to this song, and person after person came to my mind. I would hope that all the heroes in my life would know how they have impacted me, but I doubt it. Life can really stink sometimes, but where would any of us be without heroes? So for those ordinary people, willing to do the hard things, thank you. I wish I had more words, but thank you

Be someone's hero today.


  1. so good!! And now I want to hear that album! :))

    1. It's beautiful - but make sure you have some kleenex first ;)
