Friday, January 17, 2014

Easy Face Toner and Spot Treatment

To continue my natural facial care routine, today I'm going to tell you about what I use for toner. It's pretty simple! You can read about how I wash my face here.

A wonderful iPhone capture from my room for you...

I just use some witch hazel on some homemade cosmetic squares I sewed a while ago (you could use some cosmetic pads or cotton balls from the store as well). The one I have has some aloe in it which is even more and soothing, too. After washing my face, I put a little squirt on a cosmetic square and rub it on my face, making sure to hit the target areas where I am breaking out or tend to break out. Super simple! I bought mine at a local health food store. A bottle of this stuff lasts me forever!

Why witch hazel? 
Witch hazel is one of those awesome jack-of-all-trades kind of things. It's perfect as a toner because...
  • Witch hazel is an astringent - this helps it tighten up pores. 
  • It has antioxidant and antiseptic properties.
  • It is gentle and non-drying to the skin. It locks in moisture. 
  • It helps minimize scarring and stretch marks.
  • It's soothing and anti-inflammatory, making it especially helpful with skin that is itchy, inflamed, or otherwise irritated.
  • It is healing and is often referred to as nature's Neo/Polysporin.
Other uses for witch hazel that I have come across include: healing cuts and varicose veins, getting rid of bags under eyes, treating sunburn, insect bites and stings, deodorant, scalp treatments, cleaning jewelry, treating razor burn, healing bruises, and soothing diaper rash.

Spot Treatment
For a simple, easy spot treatment, I just apply some melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil to any blemishes I am trying to get rid of. I am planning to do a whole post on tea tree oil in the future, because it has tons and tons of great uses and properties as well.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! 

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I am simply sharing my personal experience. Never use a product on your body in any way without doing your own research first. 

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