Saturday, January 18, 2014

Simple Eye Make Up Remover

To round up my posts on my natural face care routine, I thought I would share what I use for make up remover. It's about as simple as it gets, folks.

Step 1: Gather your supplies. I use those trusty little homemade cosmetic squares (and of course, cotton balls, regular cosmetic pads, a kleenex, a corner of a washcloth, anything really, will work just fine) and coconut oil. If you have to take a minute here to catch your breath after all that hard work, I won't judge. ;) Still tracking with me? Alright, moving on.

Step 2: Apply a little bit of coconut oil to your eye cleaning device of choice (a pea sized amount is plenty) and wipe off your eye make up with it - mascara, eye shadow, whatever.

Step 3: Oh wait! That's it. See, I told you it would be easy :) Pretty painless solution if you ask me. I have been doing this for years and have always had awesome results! It feels great, smells lovely, and it's super cheap to boot. Not to mention being completely natural, chemical free, and all that good stuff.

My favourite coconut oil is Dr Bronner's - it smells sooo delicious, and I love that it is both organic and fair trade, along with being a pretty decent price too.

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